Gathering 4 – Who Has Brought Us Joy?

Informal - 15 minutes
  • Warm greetings with eye contact and smiles – assign 2 people to arrive early and
    serve as greeters for each week
  • Pre-printed name tags retrieved – provide a conversation starter note for each
  • Serve simple refreshments
  • Mingle and offer warm greetings to others
  • Conversation Starter: Ask, “Conversation Starter: Ask, “What was your favorite thing about your childhood home.
Non-formal – VIDEO – whole group – 30 minutes
  • Three sets of “4-4-4-4” breaths to place onto Christ any cares of the day/week and to quiet/calm – 2 minutes
  • Prayer to welcome God’s presence and read Psalm 139:1-6 – 2 minutes
  • Watch Video – 7 minutes

Split up into gender-specific triad (or 2 close friends) – 20 minutes
  • Each person take 10 minutes to share about a relationship with a family member, friend or even a pet that brought joy into their life experience. – 30 minutes
  • Say a blessing prayer over the person on your left – 3 minutes
Regather whole group – 10 minutes
  • A few folks share a 30 second gratitude/appreciation from the gathering this week

Read the poem of the week

Sing: In my life, Lord, be glorified!

Fun-work: The host will email the video homework assignment to everyone
  • Journal a bit about your experience this week.

Fun Work: Christian the Lion