To equip, support, and mobilize the Body of Christ to form interconnected identity groups that heal and mature disciples in both Triads and Micro-Church Families.
To be a catalyst for a relational revolution which raises up Jesus-centered kingdom families that spread God’s love and joy among every people group
- Jesus Christ as King & the Kingdom of God
- “Hesed” – deeply connected love relationships with God, one another, neighbors, and enemies
- Immanuel Lifestyle – enjoying the experiential presence of God as a lifestyle
- Immanuel Healing – inner-healing of the heart from trauma and pain
- Multigenerational family – grace-based, love-bonded, interracial, socio-economically diverse, young & old, international families of affection
- Equipping disciples of Christ holistically utilizing all the dynamics necessary for transformation: instructional, relational, experiential, spiritual
- Developing relational, emotional, and social intelligence and maturity
- Mobilizing the people of God to heal, mature, and carry out mission through identity groups: a. Triads, b. Micro-Church Families