Gathering 12 – Celebrating Life Together
Informal Video - 10 minutes
- Warm greetings with eye contact and smiles as people are welcomed in.
- Watch the video – 7 minutes
- Lay out the food, pray and serve.
Pot Luck Dinner - 40 minutes
- Around the tables share: “This is what I appreciate about you….”
Non-Formal - Whole Group - 45 minutes
- Prayer to welcome God’s presence and read John 15:9-11 – 2 minutes
- Each person share their testimony of the impact that the group experience has had
on them and/or read excerpts from their journals
Fun-work: The host will email the video homework assignment to everyone
- Journal final thoughts, memories and feelings from these 12 weeks.
- Share with 2-3 people beyond the group what you experienced by participating in this group.